On Saturday, March 23, 2013, Worldwide Prophetic Evangelical Ministries had a youth program at the Youth Uprising Center on MacArthur Blvd. The Topic was "The Things that Destroy the Future of Young People" The program was aimed at imparting wisdom and instruction into young people, in order for them to have a successful life.
Apostle O. Michael provided a list of things one must be wary of as a young man or woman. He also introduced them to the Lord Jesus Christ who would be the foundation and guide of their lives, and spoke prophetically into the lives of those who came.
We enjoyed the worship and tip-top rapping of the word of God, of "Grindin 4 Souls", as well as the worship dancers of Worldwide Prophetic Evangelical Ministries. Finally, we concluded the program with a delicious lunch; then we went home. We had a blessed day and we are looking forward to having our next program because we know that God was well pleased!